Mass. out-migration study. Everyone is leaving!

Nah, just stay right where you are.......MA needs your tax money to support all the migrants they're importing. [laugh]

You'll soon find yourself and your family to be just as isolated, only you'll be forcibly paying the freight for yourself and all the free loaders.
Moving isn't easy if you have family, friends, and a career. If you don't, sure it's easy.
I was able to move out of MA eventually, and there are many good things that came from that. But there are still things that were/are not good. The extra distance to my kids isn't helpful, and most of the people I knew were locals, so it strains friendships, and a big one now is that the quality of healthcare in MA is worlds better. After being f'd over by NH doctors, except for some routine (as in many times a week) stuff, I drive to MA.
Moving isn't easy if you have family, friends, and a career. If you don't, sure it's easy.
I was able to move out of MA eventually, and there are many good things that came from that. But there are still things that were/are not good. The extra distance to my kids isn't helpful, and most of the people I knew were locals, so it strains friendships, and a big one now is that the quality of healthcare in MA is worlds better. After being f'd over by NH doctors, except for some routine (as in many times a week) stuff, I drive to MA.
I've heard it all before.....a thousand times. ✋ Talk to the hand.

Next you'll tell me that the fees, fines and confiscatory taxes that people pay in MA are perfectly justified because the quality of life is so much better.[puke]
The traffic jams are just wonderfully enjoyable, the ambient background noise is just swell, the lines in any place you eat are absolutely fine, the roads are impeccable, the insurance rates are the best, the drug problem doesn't exist, the schools turn out high numbers of Mensa members, your hospital ERs are mostly vacant when you arrive with an emergency, your license plates and excise taxes are the cheapest in the nation.

Again.....Talk To The Hand......because the head isn't listening. I've been there, done that and can tell you unequivocally there are thousands of better places to live in this country. You just have to have the gumption to get up and go.

EDIT: And I didn't even cover the gun laws or the terminal leftist political corruption. 🤔 ;)
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It's about to get better, too: Now Maura wants another bite of the apple when you sell and leave.


Governor Maura Healey recently filed a five-year, $4.1 billion bond bill called the Affordable Homes Act. Tucked away in this bill is a major policy change that would establish a local option “real estate transfer fee” (tax) of between .5% to 2%, on the portion of the sale over $1 million or the county median home sales price (whichever is greater.) In other words, they are looking for more ways to nickel and dime you because they can’t seem to spend within the means of current tax collections.

They say the money would then go to support affordable housing, but with administrative overhead growing by the day and costly regulations and labor policies, it’s doubtful we will see any noticeable benefit. There’s also no language in the bill that would call for the funds to be spent on NEW housing.


If you’re thinking that this tax would never affect you because your home value doesn’t meet the threshold, just look at how much property values have appreciated over the last ten years!

How long do you think it will take for you to fall under the new tax scheme?

It’s predicted that this new tax might be passed onto the buyer, driving prices up even more for single family homes, renters, and commercial properties alike. Since the real estate market tends to fluctuate with economic downturns, it will also be creating an unstable source of revenue they are looking to rely on, which we can assume means they will lower the price threshold for the tax in the future.

We all want an affordable Massachusetts, but putting a new tax on real estate sales won’t get us there and will actually exacerbate the problem. Studies have shown that when a real estate transfer tax is implemented, the number of transactions goes down.
This bill is queued up to be voted on in the legislature and they need to hear from you. Please Contact your legislators to tell them not to raise taxes on some home sales: Oppose a New Tax on Real Estate Sales

-MassFiscal Team

An additional Tax called "affordable" housing. Sound a lot like the inflation "reduction" act.
I've heard it all before.....a thousand times. ✋ Talk to the hand.

Next you'll tell me that the fees, fines and confiscatory taxes that people pay in MA are perfectly justified because the quality of life is so much better.[puke]
The traffic jams are just wonderfully enjoyable, the ambient background noise is just swell, the lines in any place you eat are absolutely fine, the roads are impeccable, the insurance rates are the best, the drug problem doesn't exist, the schools turn out high numbers of Mensa members, your hospital ERs are mostly vacant when you arrive with an emergency, your license plates and excise taxes are the cheapest in the nation.

Again.....Talk To The Hand......because the head isn't listening. I've been there, done that and can tell you unequivocally there are thousands of better places to live in this country. You just have to have the gumption to get up and go.

EDIT: And I didn't even cover the gun laws or the terminal leftist political corruption. 🤔 ;)
Wow, seriously dude? I didn't mention any of this, nor did I say there weren't reasons to leave. Obviously there are, after all I left. I'm just not stupid or blind and can see that there are, in fact, other influencing factors. And these do make major life changes difficult.

As for medical care and ERs. I am now living with the incompetency of the NH medical providers, I will have to for the rest of my life. If I hadn't ignored their determination that everything was ok with the surgery, and not gone to Lahey in MA, I'd be dead. So ya, that could be a petty major reason for an older person to not move out.
As for ERs last time I was in one was 2009, and given what was wrong I'm sure I would be dead if it had been in NH, fortunately I wasn't and I walked out 8 hours later.

Easy to say good medical care isn't important when you don't need it, but that need will come, sooner or later, and maybe soon and unexpected, you could be in a car crash tonight. When this happens, good medical care will be important, but your choices would have already been made..... hopefully you made the right one.
I've heard it all before.....a thousand times. ✋ Talk to the hand.

Next you'll tell me that the fees, fines and confiscatory taxes that people pay in MA are perfectly justified because the quality of life is so much better.[puke]
The traffic jams are just wonderfully enjoyable, the ambient background noise is just swell, the lines in any place you eat are absolutely fine, the roads are impeccable, the insurance rates are the best, the drug problem doesn't exist, the schools turn out high numbers of Mensa members, your hospital ERs are mostly vacant when you arrive with an emergency, your license plates and excise taxes are the cheapest in the nation.
None of what you are complaining about is anything that he said nor does it contradict anything he said. What you said is true and what he said is also true.

Yes, MA sucks in many ways. Traffic is terrible, roads are terrible, insurance is high, we have a significant drug problem (as does NH, by the way), many of the schools are bad, the ERs are packed, and the taxes are high.

But that doesn't change the fact that if you have family, friends, and a career in MA in can be hard to leave. Nor does it change the fact that outside of Dartmouth-Hitchcock, the NH hospitals are crap.
As for medical care and ERs. I am now living with the incompetency of the NH medical providers, I will have to for the rest of my life. If I hadn't ignored their determination that everything was ok with the surgery, and not gone to Lahey in MA, I'd be dead. So ya, that could be a petty major reason for an older person to not move out.
As for ERs last time I was in one was 2009, and given what was wrong I'm sure I would be dead if it had been in NH, fortunately I wasn't and I walked out 8 hours later.

Easy to say good medical care isn't important when you don't need it, but that need will come, sooner or later, and maybe soon and unexpected, you could be in a car crash tonight. When this happens, good medical care will be important, but your choices would have already been made..... hopefully you made the right one.
I had a major health issue starting in 2022. I'm better now, but it was a six month long ordeal that involved 2 surgeries, 6 weeks in the hospital, 2 stays in ICU, 6 endoscopic procedures, about a dozen anaesthesia events, etc. I'm thankful that I was near good healthcare. As a result, my priorities have changed to include being a reasonable distance from a good hospital. I can understand how that might not be a concern for someone a lot younger than me.
I had a major health issue starting in 2022. I'm better now, but it was a six month long ordeal that involved 2 surgeries, 6 weeks in the hospital, 2 stays in ICU, 6 endoscopic procedures, about a dozen anaesthesia events, etc. I'm thankful that I was near good healthcare. As a result, my priorities have changed to include being a reasonable distance from a good hospital. I can understand how that might not be a concern for someone a lot younger than me.
That's some serious shit, glad your doing better. I didn't think my issue was going to be affected by the local NH healthcare. I maybe in the minority as far as what is wrong, but the treatment for it is well known. It should have need one operation, short term of treatment to better stabilize, then one more operation, and then a near normal life. Now I'm 8 operation in, with 3 or so years of much more involved treatment, just because that's the way they do it. Ya, literal, I've got a cure waiting for me but they won't move forward until I get worse, and I will get worse, there is zero chance of getting better short of that operation.

Sorry about the rant, it's late and I'm feeling a little bitter about the situation... I'll get back on topic.
“By 2030, net outmigration could cost MA $19.2 billion in adjusted gross income and $961 million in lost income taxes per year,”

And hopefully lose a couple of congressional seats with population relocating elsewhere.

There are a couple members of the house from Massachusetts that should be given a pink slip and get gerrymandered out.

Everyone knows they won't leave on their own.

FYI the term gerrymandering started in Boston:

The word gerrymander (originally written Gerry-mander; a portmanteau of the name Gerry and the animal salamander) was used for the first time in the Boston GazetteGerrymandering - Wikipedia on 26 March 1812 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. This word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Massachusetts Senate election districts under Governor Elbridge Gerry, later Vice President of the United States. Gerry, who personally disapproved of the practice, signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts for the benefit of the Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble a mythological salamander.[8] Appearing with the term, and helping spread and sustain its popularity, was a political cartoon depicting a strange animal with claws, wings and a dragon-like head that supposedly resembled the oddly shaped district.
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That would ideal, but the state has been importing democrat voters for decades with the promise of free shit.
That 20.1 billion dollars is lost income.
It'll be about 40 billion because for every one unit that leaves, another unit is brought in, and at a cost to the remaining units.

Good luck to em.
That would ideal, but the state has been importing democrat voters for decades with the promise of free shit.
That 20.1 billion dollars is lost income.
It'll be about 40 billion because for every one unit that leaves, another unit is brought in, and at a cost to the remaining units.

Good luck to em.
Theyll get bailed out one way or another, Its not like theyll ever admit that White males being replaced by Browns is bankrupting them
1. Yeah. Those F'ing unproductive parasites who succeeded and are now making $300K. F them. Tax them into oblivion and then lock them in jail! [rofl]

2. . . . . so how many kids do YOU have??? There IS a simple solution to this and the impending immigration disaster we are facing. (Birth rate is 1.66 per female - you're gonna see an "American" population decline over the next 50 years.). If the folks between 30 and 300 have more kids, all of our problems are solved. So get bangin!
Yeah, well kids are expensive and it sucks being a tax slave. When you do OK for yourself and you know there aren't going to any breaks for you all the way up to and including paying full price for college, having more kids becomes a financial burden. That's just a fact.
And hopefully lose a couple of congressional seats with population relocating elsewhere.

There are a couple members of the house from Massachusetts that should be given a pink slip and get gerrymandered out.

Everyone knows they won't leave on their own.

FYI the term gerrymandering started in Boston:

The word gerrymander (originally written Gerry-mander; a portmanteau of the name Gerry and the animal salamander) was used for the first time in the Boston GazetteGerrymandering - Wikipedia on 26 March 1812 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. This word was created in reaction to a redrawing of Massachusetts Senate election districts under Governor Elbridge Gerry, later Vice President of the United States. Gerry, who personally disapproved of the practice, signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts for the benefit of the Democratic-Republican Party. When mapped, one of the contorted districts in the Boston area was said to resemble a mythological salamander.[8] Appearing with the term, and helping spread and sustain its popularity, was a political cartoon depicting a strange animal with claws, wings and a dragon-like head that supposedly resembled the oddly shaped district.
Why do you think we're be flooded with illegals?
Democrats being humanitarian ? [rofl]
I give you, "Tail of the Dragon".




Good Lord willing, I’ll be living just west of that in Madisonville, TN by thanksgiving.
“By 2030, net outmigration could cost MA $19.2 billion in adjusted gross income and $961 million in lost income taxes per year,”

Well.....looks like I'll be adding to this list by Aug 1.

So far I've been very blessed house has passed T5 and house inspection and got over asking with no need to fix anything. Next week PS is signed and sizeable deposit gets put down with closing late July.

FL is not our end destination...but wife got a great offer there, and its our time to rent and fxck off for a while with very little responsibility and house upkeep....... with a pool and hot tub I don't have to take care of, 20 mins to the beach, 25 mins to the airport.

House funds will be used to secure land in Carolina's so I can build or buy a home to retire to most likely. The rest will sit in the bank at 5% and pay the rent for now.

I'll be back up here from time to time to pheasant hunt at my club in the fall, and visit my parents/MIL and maintain what I need to on their houses. But it looks like my vote might just count this year, and I won't be paying for state union retirements and illegal alien folly pretty soon.

Guy buying the house is already retired and on a town my and my wifes income tax money is being replaced by a taker. Another net negative for the state on this one.
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In Massachusetts, like a number of "blue states," a disproportionately small fraction of the population is required to pay a disproportionately large fraction of the municipal expenses. This is a financially unstable situation: it will inevitably grow worse and induce the payers to leave. As someone smarter than I am once observed, "Eventually, you run out of other people's money to spend."
In Massachusetts, like a number of "blue states," a disproportionately small fraction of the population is required to pay a disproportionately large fraction of the municipal expenses. This is a financially unstable situation: it will inevitably grow worse and induce the payers to leave. As someone smarter than I am once observed, "Eventually, you run out of other people's money to spend."
The sooner the better.
In Massachusetts, like a number of "blue states," a disproportionately small fraction of the population is required to pay a disproportionately large fraction of the municipal expenses. This is a financially unstable situation: it will inevitably grow worse and induce the payers to leave. As someone smarter than I am once observed, "Eventually, you run out of other people's money to spend."
The older I get, when I take a day off.....nobody is working around here when I go out and about. Majority of these people are NOT collecting SSI they paid into either, most of them are younger than me. Absolutely my wife and I, and everyone working in private companies are paying for them to fxck off.

I have several friends younger than me collecting state pensions.......and will be glad to enjoy not paying for them anymore.
None of what you are complaining about is anything that he said nor does it contradict anything he said. What you said is true and what he said is also true.

Yes, MA sucks in many ways. Traffic is terrible, roads are terrible, insurance is high, we have a significant drug problem (as does NH, by the way), many of the schools are bad, the ERs are packed, and the taxes are high.

But that doesn't change the fact that if you have family, friends, and a career in MA in can be hard to leave. Nor does it change the fact that outside of Dartmouth-Hitchcock, the NH hospitals are crap.
We had an employee and his wife die from Pneumonia within a week of each other at St Joseph’s in Nashua. They had several young children, who had no money, no access to their accounts, and no Guardian.

We gave a neighbor $5,000 in cash to cover expenses and paid for a family attorney to set up temporary custody. Assigned another employee who lived nearby to check in every day. It was a disaster, especially for the kids, 7 and 10. They wound up in custody of their 20yo step sister, in a house with a big mortgage and minimal income. Let’s just leave it as the rest of the family did not exactly cover themselves in glory.

Told this story at a business meeting and another guy there said, “Just had a meeting with them (St Joesph’s). They operated on my sister, and left several surgical sponges in her body. This resulted in a series of infections that almost killed her. They know they are going to be sued for malpractice.”

My best friend lives N of Hanover. He got treatment for throat cancer at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Then he had a stroke. His wife tells me that they believe the treatment was not done properly and contributed to the stroke. His short term memory is destroyed. She can’t leave him alone.

Me, my brother, and his wife have all had cancer treatment at Beth Israel Deaconess. And we are all otherwise healthy. My son had ACL surgery at Tufts and is playing D1 Lacrosse.

Often refer to MA as “The Whiner State” and this seems to apply especially to the refugees. JFC, live where you want.
We had an employee and his wife die from Pneumonia within a week of each other at St Joseph’s in Nashua. They had several young children, who had no money, no access to their accounts, and no Guardian.

We gave a neighbor $5,000 in cash to cover expenses and paid for a family attorney to set up temporary custody. Assigned another employee who lived nearby to check in every day. It was a disaster, especially for the kids, 7 and 10. They wound up in custody of their 20yo step sister, in a house with a big mortgage and minimal income. Let’s just leave it as the rest of the family did not exactly cover themselves in glory.

Told this story at a business meeting and another guy there said, “Just had a meeting with them (St Joesph’s). They operated on my sister, and left several surgical sponges in her body. This resulted in a series of infections that almost killed her. They know they are going to be sued for malpractice.”

My best friend lives N of Hanover. He got treatment for throat cancer at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Then he had a stroke. His wife tells me that they believe the treatment was not done properly and contributed to the stroke. His short term memory is destroyed. She can’t leave him alone.

Me, my brother, and his wife have all had cancer treatment at Beth Israel Deaconess. And we are all otherwise healthy. My son had ACL surgery at Tufts and is playing D1 Lacrosse.

Often refer to MA as “The Whiner State” and this seems to apply especially to the refugees. JFC, live where you want.
Oh brother!

Haven't seen any "refugees" complaining about their exit from MA yet here on the board. Seems they're all pretty satisfied with their moves.....actually quite happy about it.

I hear the "medical care" excuse all the time. Isn't it amazing that the vast majority of the population of this country lives outside and away from of the northeast and thrives, generation to generation with great medical care?
We had an employee and his wife die from Pneumonia within a week of each other at St Joseph’s in Nashua. They had several young children, who had no money, no access to their accounts, and no Guardian.

We gave a neighbor $5,000 in cash to cover expenses and paid for a family attorney to set up temporary custody. Assigned another employee who lived nearby to check in every day. It was a disaster, especially for the kids, 7 and 10. They wound up in custody of their 20yo step sister, in a house with a big mortgage and minimal income. Let’s just leave it as the rest of the family did not exactly cover themselves in glory.

Told this story at a business meeting and another guy there said, “Just had a meeting with them (St Joesph’s). They operated on my sister, and left several surgical sponges in her body. This resulted in a series of infections that almost killed her. They know they are going to be sued for malpractice.”

My best friend lives N of Hanover. He got treatment for throat cancer at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Then he had a stroke. His wife tells me that they believe the treatment was not done properly and contributed to the stroke. His short term memory is destroyed. She can’t leave him alone.

Me, my brother, and his wife have all had cancer treatment at Beth Israel Deaconess. And we are all otherwise healthy. My son had ACL surgery at Tufts and is playing D1 Lacrosse.

Often refer to MA as “The Whiner State” and this seems to apply especially to the refugees. JFC, live where you want.
Cannot argue the medical tech and hospitals in MA is probably the best thing....... When you get older that does become an issue that needs to be looked at.

I do beleive other cities are catching up and there are some very good hospitals. But probably Boston/Worcester area......are some of the most top notch medical facilities in the nation/world.

As with any move there's good and bad......I have people in my family that would never move because of the medical here....pretty valid for my parents because they both have some issues, but they are old. Others that are younger...... I think that's a little nuts.....because they have no medical issues currently. And one of them would tell you if you go to any other hospitals any where'll die. She litterally would never leave MA because she's afraid........and scares my parents with the same crap.
Yeah, well kids are expensive and it sucks being a tax slave. When you do OK for yourself and you know there aren't going to any breaks for you all the way up to and including paying full price for college, having more kids becomes a financial burden. That's just a fact.
I believed the lie and stopped at two.
They were in private schools until middleschool and homeschooling after.
Wife quit her well paying job to get a teaching degree/certificate and then teach at the kids school for less than 30% of what she would have made in her industry.

Both kids went to college (accounting and engineering) and paid off their own loans within 3 years. You don't need to pay for your kids college - you need to train them to go for an education that pays for itself, either a trade or degree.

Kids are expensive but so are all of the wants we redefine as needs within our priorities.

We believed the lie that kids were too expensive and we needed to invest in our future. So now I have a large home on a good sized lot but gave up the third child my wife and I had always planned.
If I had it to do over I would go for the kids without hesitation.
My best friend lives N of Hanover. He got treatment for throat cancer at Dartmouth Hitchcock. Then he had a stroke. His wife tells me that they believe the treatment was not done properly and contributed to the stroke. His short term memory is destroyed. She can’t leave him alone.
Dartmouth Hitchcock is the one hospital in NH that seems to be good, so that is disappointing to hear.
we had it relatively easy deciding to go to NH. we were 3 minutes from the border to begin with....we have two daughters who live in NH, another on the cape and a son out west. Our criteria was pretty simple, 30 min max to Dracut, to the wife's gym and to my work. That gave us a geographical area south of Rt 101, from Hollis to Exeter. we ended up 10 min from her gym, 12 from my work, 15 from either daughter and 20 to Dracut.
The changes are amazing. I was at a strip mall in what was a relatively affluent area near metro west. Set up on the walkway between stores was some dude with a mic and speaker singing in a language I'm not familiar with. Loud! Donation bucket in place. Third world has arrived.
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