Maine gets close to implementing 3 Day Wait Period and makes it illegal to do Paramilitary Training in the State


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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Maine going downhill fast for gun owners.....


On Tuesday, the Maine House approved two new measures by a single vote. One bill, LD 2086, shoehorns a ban on bump stocks into the state's gun regulations to the opposition of local 2A groups, while the other, LD 2238, installs a mandatory three-day waiting period between over-the-counter gun sales and transfers.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation cautioned lawmakers the arbitrary waiting period in a time of near-instant background checks is an artificial barrier to exercising the right to keep and bear arms while having negligible impact on crime.

The Democrat-controlled Maine Legislature continues to send gun control measures to the waiting desk of Gov. Janet Mills.

Mills last week signed into law a proposal, LD 2130, that makes it a Class D crime to conduct "unauthorized paramilitary training" in the state. The bill had been sent to the Democrat governor's desk in a 20-14 vote by the state Senate and a narrow 72-71 roll call in the state House. While the law makes it a crime to gather and provide firearms or explosives instruction when " training or demonstrating is intended to be used by the other person in or in furtherance of civil disorder," the fuzzy language raised a flag with some as being too broad.

"This bill could unintentionally impede well-intentioned groups from training," warned the Maine Sheriffs’ Association. "Groups like private security firms or American Legions who might want to train as a hobby could be affected by the broad nature of this bill."

Violators of the new law will be subject to up to 364 days in jail and a $2,000 fine.

Oh and there's more!

A bill proposed and championed by Gov. Mills, LD 2224, aims to institute near-universal background checks in the state by requiring any "advertised private sale," such as a gun listed on an online classified service or local swap board, as requiring a NICS check to proceed. It also aims to up the punishment for transferring a gun to a prohibited possessor from a misdemeanor to a felony.

Maine shocked the world when it went Con-Carry. It was very. . . unMaine of them. They are just sliding back to where they were 15 years ago. Anyone who believes otherwise is deluding themselves. Despite what forest-area people think, Maine is no more conservative than Vermont was. :(
So, is it the New Yorkers or the Ma**h***s that caused this? I'd say neither and it's a prime example of what happens when Leftists take over the public schools and libraries.
It's the natives. From what I can see there's a crap load of them on one form of welfare or another up there. We all know how that crowd votes. It's easier to blame those people from away.
It's the natives. From what I can see there's a crap load of them on one form of welfare or another up there. We all know how that crowd votes. It's easier to blame those people from away.
Mmmmmmmm....... I'm not sure that's the case.
It's urban-area Liberals, who are mostly rich, that are the ones who vote these Dems in. The people on public assistance are mostly rural, which is heavy conservative.
Mmmmmmmm....... I'm not sure that's the case.
It's urban-area Liberals, who are mostly rich, that are the ones who vote these Dems in. The people on public assistance are mostly rural, which is heavy conservative.
Must be the churches keeping them fed, as it should be.
what's dumb about all these laws, is you can walk into a gun store with a lawfully owned beltfed machine gun, but you have to:
  • fill out yellow paper
  • do nics
  • wait 3 days
In order to buy another firearm.... and that would accomplish what? I already know the answer - it's not about safety or anything else, it's to made gun ownership more difficult and their end-goal is to eradicate all firearms ownership just like what is going on in Canada.
I'm sure the Lewiston shooting may have swayed a few people. Additionally with the shift to remote work a lot of left leaning office workers are looking for less densely populated areas to hunker down (and ruin) i.e Maine. I know a lot of people from my work left when we shut our offices down during the pandemic.
I'm sure the Lewiston shooting may have swayed a few people. Additionally with the shift to remote work a lot of left leaning office workers are looking for less densely populated areas to hunker down (and ruin) i.e Maine. I know a lot of people from my work left when we shut our offices down during the pandemic.
Tons of people from MA, CT, and NY moved up to Maine during Covid, and brought their lefty votes with then. The real estate prices in my area have quadrupled in some towns since 2019. They are getting involved in local politics, pushing for new lefty laws, raising taxes etc. They all need to f*** right off
The Libertarian Party was once called a group of House Cats. Then in 2016 they chose political suicide and became a joke and laughing stock. With the Mises Caucus running the show now its just a mess. And yes, any vote for them is a wasted vote.
The Libertarian Party was once called a group of House Cats. Then in 2016 they chose political suicide and became a joke and laughing stock. With the Mises Caucus running the show now its just a mess. And yes, any vote for them is a wasted vote.
To be fair, most of the time a vote for the GOP is also a wasted vote, it just goes to the uniparty.
How many time do I have to say it!!! Move to Massachusetts... We have The Freedom Trail...

I've been thinking about this. Next year is 250 for Lex-Con. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS! I recall the Bicentennial. It was a HUGE deal in Boston. All sorts of $ flowed in to improve teh historical landmarks and such. Tons of tourism.

We're 2 years out from 7/4/26. Not a peep from Boston. I may have to email Woo, Muaarraaahh and TheDonald. Get your asses in gear and get some federal $ to help the states/cities. Maybe matching funds. Spending taxpayer $ on improving historic colonial landmarks and sites is an investment, not an expense. Those who yada yada and all that.
I've been thinking about this. Next year is 250 for Lex-Con. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS! I recall the Bicentennial. It was a HUGE deal in Boston. All sorts of $ flowed in to improve teh historical landmarks and such. Tons of tourism.

We're 2 years out from 7/4/26. Not a peep from Boston. I may have to email Woo, Muaarraaahh and TheDonald. Get your asses in gear and get some federal $ to help the states/cities. Maybe matching funds. Spending taxpayer $ on improving historic colonial landmarks and sites is an investment, not an expense. Those who yada yada and all that.
They'd prefer you'd forget, instead.
Maine going downhill fast for gun owners.....
Yep. Reminds me of Vermont. We all thought the northernmost New England states would remain permanently 2A-friendly despite the growing leftist DimocRAT party cancer taking place throughout New England. I certainly felt that way. But now we see different. Only New Hampshire is still holding the line... but for how much longer? 🤔
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