Dont judge. But I bought this monstrosity

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
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It looks like someone took a tactacool shit on this gun, then dropped some drugs and went into a locksmith fetish.
I bought it because I have been looking for a Mosin to make into an Obrez pistol. I hate to cut up a good gun and this one is far from that. I figured I can take all the shit off of the gun, chop the barrel down and make huge fireballs.
I'm thinking of chopping it down to like a 9.5 inch barrel. It would leave like 2 inches beyond the wood line.

This is what it would look like with 2 inches sticking out. It's hard to get a good idea of what it would look like with all the junk on it. It's distracting.
Someone took the serial number to heart (420).

Check out how centered to bore is from the factory. I guess that's what happens when Germany is invading you and you need guns.
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GIF by SkySlope

Beware, you have made an object subject to the NFA. You do need a tax stamp for this.

Beware, you have made an object subject to the NFA. You do need a tax stamp for this.
I already filed a form 2 for it. I'm good.

Beware, you have made an object subject to the NFA. You do need a tax stamp for this.

Think he's an 07 FFL so not sure where this falls in manufacturing.
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