Chickens 2023/2024

Basic beginner question, for those of you with chickens, how do you go on vacation for a week or more? You just can't leave them unattended can you?

When we are away, we have a neighbor friend (who has her own chickens), who comes by to; check on them, add feed, check for eggs, switch-out the water containe, etc. etc.

Our chickens have a large, secure run area, with hardware cloth and a roof over it. It is attached to their coop. So they are fine and don't need to be let out and free ranged by our friend (we do let them out when we are around).
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Basic beginner question, for those of you with chickens, how do you go on vacation for a week or more? You just can't leave them unattended can you?
I get my neighbors kids to distribute feed and switch out waterers if we go away. They keep whatever eggs they collect and are happy to make twenty bucks for 5 minutes a day worth of work.
I get my neighbors kids to distribute feed and switch out waterers if we go away. They keep whatever eggs they collect and are happy to make twenty bucks for 5 minutes a day worth of work.
I used to feed fish, water gardens, collect mail, and later check pool chemicals as a kid when neighbors were on vacation. Anything for a buck when a buck actually had buying strength. Had access to houses and took pride in the owners being happy when they got home. Great memories, Thanks.
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