*UPDATE 5/29 162 days later I have my license!

Until the majority of the Massachusetts legislature is found hanging by their necks in the Boston Common, NOTHING is going to change with regard to gun laws.

All you idiots who keep living there and paying taxes which are used to screw you over every single day need to wake the fvck up and move.
While you can argue that we need to move is valid for our personal freedoms, and we are funding our own demise, and staying and bitching is dumb, I fully agree.

However, some other idiot is gonna buy my house and pay what I paid in taxes and more, and some other idiot is gonna take my job and pay the income taxes I was paying in most cases.

Me or others leaving does not create a tax vacuum that leaves Dem coffers unfilled.......at least short term. I wish it did....or voting with your feet would truly mean something.

However, all it means is a more divisive country where people line up by location by politics and it creates two separate Americas......which everyone knows eventually only ends up one way.
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Because we allow no legal accountability for them to follow the written law. Yet they hold us accountable to written law.......every......fxcking......day.

If everyone sued after the 40 day (I think that's the law, its a such a joke, I forget) time limit expired and judges actually awarded damages for violation of civil rights then you'd see it change, as towns would be getting tons of lawsuits and taxpayers would be funding lots of claims and town fathers starting to question wasted money being paid out for violating the law.

Until then they break the law and you kneel to their whims.......the locals point the delay finger at the state....the state points the delay finger at the locals....both claim they are underfunded to process LTC's in the legal time frame. NO ACCOUNTABILITY for your tax dollars by your Elected officials both state and local, or your local PD. No damages for your total theft of 2A rights.

Been that way since I've lived here.......not gonna change....only get worse probably.
When I spoke to the attorney he said he gets $5k retainer. That’s a reason in itself not to sue. I emailed the comm2a peeps as well. Waiting to hear back. I agree though there is no fkn accountability whatsoever.
I tell everyone to contact Comm2A. Not necessarily to sue, but by this point they probably have a nicely crafter letter they can send the PD or at least they can continue to gather information for a future case.

You would be surprised how many don't want to do it and just "deal with it".
I did contact them. Waiting to hear back
While true on a long term scale....or could happen federally.

Most states do not require a police approved permission slip to exercise 2A rights, and the states that already have bills protecting 2A rights from the Feds won't either.

Ask somebody in Tennessee or South Carolina or out West what a license to own a gun is and you'll get.....What?
I'm going to a real gun show here on Saturday.
That’s the update I got when I called the state today. Wtf is going on here. How can we just be told to wait 3-5 months for out LTC’s?? Hire more people. Do SOMETHING. Don’t just tell me you’re busy and it’ll get done when it gets done. I’m in Worcester btw. I was told originally they were fast lol. Now I’ll be lucky to get it by April.

Sorry you live in Worcester. I had my LTC in hand 21 days after I applied.
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That’s the update I got when I called the state today. Wtf is going on here. How can we just be told to wait 3-5 months for out LTC’s?? Hire more people. Do SOMETHING. Don’t just tell me you’re busy and it’ll get done when it gets done. I’m in Worcester btw. I was told originally they were fast lol. Now I’ll be lucky to get it by April.

This cannot be true. The law prescribes you have to have your license within 45 days.
*****UPDATE****** Monday is supposed to be pick up day! Called hotline yesterday told me still pending at my local pd. Brutal. I guess we will see what they say when I call Monday :(
Update! Called local pd this am and like I figured was told “it’s not back yet”. Told to call back in a couple weeks. I called FRB hotline they told me it’s still pending in local pd. Do I call local pd back and ask why it’s still in worcester? Or just keep waiting?
Update! Called local pd this am and like I figured was told “it’s not back yet”. Told to call back in a couple weeks. I called FRB hotline they told me it’s still pending in local pd. Do I call local pd back and ask why it’s still in worcester? Or just keep waiting?

I would call the local PD back and politely inform them you have spoken with FRB and you would like to know exactly what "pending in local PD" means and what is the procedure to move it from pending to completed. At least if the local PD knows you have been in communication with FRB they might move forward or at least not tell you BS.
Update! Called local pd this am and like I figured was told “it’s not back yet”. Told to call back in a couple weeks. I called FRB hotline they told me it’s still pending in local pd. Do I call local pd back and ask why it’s still in worcester? Or just keep waiting?

They usually tell people when to come get their license. Example: Apply in January, they will tell you something like: "come back second week of April" ... if you start calling before then, they get pissed off.

How do they know the license will be there in the second week of April? ... great question.

This is how it was with my friend in 2023. Took roughly 4.5 months.
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Worcester PD s*cks.
They usually tell people when to come get their license. Example: Apply in January, they will tell you something like: "come back second week of April" ... if you start calling before then, they get pissed off.

How do they know the license will be there in the second week of April? ... great question.

This is how it was with my friend in 2023. Took roughly 4.5 months.
Yup. WPD blames state. State diverts blame back to WPD. After 2.5 months FRB “approved” but still hadn’t printed it. WPD had given an exact stamp date on mircs receipt which was 3.5 months from submission.

I think the FRB and all other .gov groups who deal with licensing or any service for gun owners are extremely sparsely staffed. It’s just as bad for professional licensing for healthcare.
WPD had given an exact stamp date on mircs receipt which was 3.5 months from submission.

Which means WPD sat on it for 3 months or so before they submitted to FRB.

Last time I renewed, in Bedford, I submitted about 10 weeks early. My mircs receipt was dated the day before the LTC expired. Actual delivery on new LTC was about 12 weeks after expiration.
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Are you troubled by what you think should be?

If so, you’re not alone.

Many people have difficulty accepting what is. They desperately cling to what they think should be.

That need to hold on to what should be drives so much suffering and unhappiness. The world isn’t often just or fair. We, as people, impose our vision of justice and fairness on the world where we can through social structures and laws.

But in your personal life? Well, that’s much different.

“I’m a good person. It’s not fair that this terrible thing happened to me.” You’re right; it’s not.

“I work so hard, but I can barely afford to pay my bills! This isn’t right!” You’re completely correct.

“I love this person so much and tried so hard, but my relationship still failed.” That is unfortunately how it goes sometimes.

I applied for my ltc and it hasn't been issued in the timeframe it should have been.

By learning to accept what is, instead of clinging to what you think should be, you can alleviate many negative feelings and long-term unhappiness. You have the freedom and power to step into something new, make new choices, and find a way forward instead of living in a past that’s not coming back.


From some self-help bullshit article. There's actually some truth to this, there are things you can't change, and you have to somehow come to terms with those things and not drive yourself up a wall.

But Massachusetts towns routinely and regularly fail to follow issuing laws/guidelines and infringe upon your right to carry a firearm. Getting worked up, posting on FaceBook, etc, doesn't do anything other than perhaps help you vent and feel better. Leaving isn't an option for everyone, and doesn't change the state for those who can't.

Writing emails/letters to your senators/congressmen/local a**h***s representatives sometimes helps, but usually only when it's a concerted effort by a group - because they really don't care about individuals - they care about votes and individual communications are typically ignored or responded to with a canned response.

Identifying the firearms rights groups that are working for you, contacting them, and supporting them (<cough> MONEY), helps to effect change, and you feel better by doing so because it's actually doing something.

Comm2A works for Mass people, @Darksideblues42 is part of that org, he's here, he's present in this thread.

Personally, I'm a member of FPC, GOA, SAF, JFPO and the NRA. Plus even though I left CT, I remain a member of CCDL - I've got friends up there. The money I spend on dues and contributions is pretty negligible - the 124grn 9mm bullets coming from XTreme this week cost more than than I sent to all of them combined last year. Which indicates to me that I probably should up my game.


Worcester PD s*cks.
They usually tell people when to come get their license. Example: Apply in January, they will tell you something like: "come back second week of April" ... if you start calling before then, they get pissed off.

How do they know the license will be there in the second week of April? ... great question.

This is how it was with my friend in 2023. Took roughly 4.5 months.
Ya that’s me. Yesterday was my call back date.
Another update!!!!! Just as i suspected! My file was never sent up to the chief for approval. It’s been sitting in licensing since December. The kid that threatened to put me to the back of the line for checking in February must have done just that. Another officer found it this am sitting on the desk. Apologized for the “clerical error” said they do 2500 a year and it’ll be another month or two!! I knew something was up just didn’t want to believe it.
Another update!!!!! Just as i suspected! My file was never sent up to the chief for approval. It’s been sitting in licensing since December. The kid that threatened to put me to the back of the line for checking in February must have done just that. Another officer found it this am sitting on the desk. Apologized for the “clerical error” said they do 2500 a year and it’ll be another month or two!! I knew something was up just didn’t want to believe it.

Because we allow no legal accountability for them to follow the written law. Yet they hold us accountable to written law.......every......fxcking......day.

If everyone sued after the 40 day (I think that's the law, its a such a joke, I forget) time limit expired and judges actually awarded damages for violation of civil rights then you'd see it change, as towns would be getting tons of lawsuits and taxpayers would be funding lots of claims and town fathers starting to question wasted money being paid out for violating the law.

Until then they break the law and you kneel to their whims.......the locals point the delay finger at the state....the state points the delay finger at the locals....both claim they are underfunded to process LTC's in the legal time frame. NO ACCOUNTABILITY for your tax dollars by your Elected officials both state and local, or your local PD. No damages for your total theft of 2A rights.

Been that way since I've lived here.......not gonna change....only get worse probably.

Even if it was viable most people are going to crap out in the middle of the idea because it's nearly always cheaper with these sort of things to "just get the basic result you want (a license) and leave". So they will lawyer up and the attorney will get the shortest path to resolving the issue so he can get paid. Most people are skinflints especially in NE and won't go full court press.
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