C&R questions on renewal?


NES Member
Dec 26, 2008
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Ok so my “mailing address “ changed. I completely forgot to do the “license” amendment for the address change. So the other day I come across my license and I notice it expires this year February great , why I’m not getting anything about renewal didn’t change my address. Just completely forgot about it so I called the ATF yesterday and I can’t get through, so I sent off an email and surprisingly I did get an email response but it was a very vague response. They just sent me a link to the amendment with no explanation of what to do. Do I send in the amendment with a license application I don’t know my next question .

My next question is the C&R renewal form they send you the same as the license application. I printed out both the amendment and the license application, but I haven’t gone down to the printer to even begin to start reading them.

I will call the ATF Monday again, but I thought a shout out to Nes. Brain trust would keep me occupied until then.
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You say your ''mailing address'' changed. Not sure why it's in quotes, but is you physical address the same? Because that's the address the license uses. I'd send it with the new address and make a note to put in it stating that you recently moved.
You have “premises” and “mailing address” options on your license.
My mailing address changed. Never got my renewal and need to send in amendment
Or as mentioned let expire and re apply. I was on hold 3 times this week with ATF …
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